Design of a Sales Performance System for SMEs based on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse

  • Dhanar Saputra Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Pungkas Subarkah Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Erika Luthfi Afifah Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Siti Muflikhatun Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Nevita Cahaya Ramadani Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Melida Ratna Utami Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
  • Puteri Johar Aunillah Universitas Amikom Purwokerto

Keywords: Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Sales Performance System, Business Processes, Small and Medium Enterprises


The influence of information technology today is powerful. It impacts people's lives because technological changes are running so fast and affect the way of thinking and behaving in competition in the business world and organizations. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) must be able to adapt to this technology to maintain their business. It means that digitizing SMEs means integrating technology into all business activities. In this study, Toko Cerme is the object of research. The Toko Cerme is a SMEs in the form of a minimarket located in Central Java, Indonesia. The Toko Cerme takes advantage of technology to help run business processes so that they can be managed optimally. In running its business, The Toko Cerme is currently using an information system to input product data and transaction activities. The purpose of this research is to propose a Design of a Sales Performance System based on Business Intelligence and a Data Warehouse to support business processes at the Toko Cerme so that it can efficiently process data and information in the future. From the research that the authors conducted, it can be concluded that the results of this study are the creation of a data warehouse and business intelligence design using the nine steps Kimbal method. At the same time, Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) is a tool. The design is used as a reference in producing information relating to sales transactions.





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How to Cite
Saputra, D., Subarkah, P., Afifah, E. L., Muflikhatun, S., Ramadani, N. C., Utami, M. R., & Aunillah, P. J. (2022). Design of a Sales Performance System for SMEs based on Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse. Indonesian Journal of Data and Science, 3(3), 107 - 114.