New Template and Article Structure Guidelines for Indonesian Journal of Data and Science


Dear authors of Indonesian Journal of Data and Science,

We would like to inform you that starting from Volume 4, Issue 1, the journal will use a new template. The adjustment of the draft to the new template will be done by our editorial team. We hope that this change will improve the readability and accessibility of the articles published in our journal.

We would also like to remind you that the scientific articles submitted to our journal should follow the following structure:


a. Background of the research

b. Research objectives

c. Methods used

d. Main results

e. Conclusions


a. Background and context of the research

b. Problem to be solved

c. Research objectives

d. Research questions or hypotheses

e. Scope and limitations of the research

f. Research contributions

g. Article structure


a. Research design

b. Sample or data selection

c. Tools and technology used

d. Data collection process

e. Data analysis methods


a. Description of the data processing results

b. Visualization of the results (tables, graphs, or images)

c. Interpretation of the results

d. Significant findings


a. Interpretation and evaluation of the results

b. Relationship between the research results and previous research or theory

c. Practical implications of the research results

d. Limitations of the research

e. Recommendations for further research


a. Summary of the results and discussions

b. Answers to research questions or hypotheses

c. Research contributions

d. Recommendations for further research or practice


a. Thanks to those who supported the research


a. List of sources used in the research, including journals, books, conferences, and websites, arranged according to the recommended citation style


a. Additional information relevant to the research, such as source code, raw data, or additional tables not included in the main article.


Thank you for your attention and cooperation in following the guidelines above. We look forward to receiving your high-quality submissions.


Best regards,

Editorial team of Indonesian Journal of Data and Science.