Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models for Depression Prediction: Python and LabVIEW Approaches

  • Nurul Rismayanti Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Gilberth Valentino Titaley Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Anik Nur Handayani Universitas Negeri Malang

Keywords: Depression, Fuzzy Logic, LabView, Mental Helth Prediction, Python


Depression is one of the mental disorders with a significant impact on individuals' quality of life and productivity. The diagnostic process for depression, which typically relies on subjective assessment, often encounters challenges of uncertainty and variability in symptoms. This study aims to develop a fuzzy model for predicting depression levels based on five primary symptom variables: worthlessness, concentration, suicidal ideation, sleep disturbance, and hopelessness. The model is implemented on two platforms, Python and LabVIEW, to evaluate the accuracy and consistency of prediction results between these platforms. The analysis process begins with data preprocessing, input variable fuzzification, inference using 243 fuzzy rules, and defuzzification to generate a crisp output value classified into four depression levels: No Depression, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. The study results indicate a very small error margin between the two platforms, with error values below 0.01 in each trial. These findings suggest that both Python and LabVIEW can produce nearly identical and consistent predictions. This conclusion supports the effectiveness of fuzzy logic in addressing uncertainty in clinical data, especially for cases of depression with varying symptoms. Nonetheless, there are limitations related to the subjectivity in selecting membership functions and rules, as well as limitations in the number of variables used. Therefore, this study recommends expanding the developed fuzzy model with additional variables or integrating it with machine learning approaches to improve prediction accuracy. These findings are expected to serve as a foundation for the development of fuzzy-based systems in future mental health diagnostics.


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How to Cite
Rismayanti, N., Titaley, G. V., & Handayani, A. N. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Models for Depression Prediction: Python and LabVIEW Approaches. Indonesian Journal of Data and Science, 5(3), 166-177.