Dynamic Background Subtraction in Moving Object Detection on Modified FCM-CS Algorithm

  • Musa Dima Genemo Gumushane University

Keywords: Deep Learning, Fuzzy Histogram, Object Detection, Threshold


This study uses deep learning for background subtraction in video surveillance. Scanned images often have unwanted background elements, making it difficult to separate objects from their backgrounds accurately. This affects how items are distinguished from their backgrounds. To solve this problem, this article introduces a model called the Improved Fuzzy C Means Cosine Similarity (FCM-CS). This model is designed to identify moving foreground objects in surveillance camera footage and address the associated challenges. The effectiveness of this model is evaluated against the current state-of-the-art, validating its performance. The results demonstrate the remarkable performance of the model on the CDnet2014 dataset


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How to Cite
Dima Genemo, M. (2024). Dynamic Background Subtraction in Moving Object Detection on Modified FCM-CS Algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Data and Science, 5(2), 76-83. https://doi.org/10.56705/ijodas.v5i2.162